
Managing your Financial Health

Financial wellness can be a sensitive and uncomfortable discussion for many. Taking control of your finances can feel overwhelming and unattainable at times. Mowbrey Gil is here to help you navigate these waters with expert advice. Here are some simple steps that anyone can take to better understand and take control of their finances.  

Increase your knowledge of financial management 

Spend some time learning about debt management, budgeting, saving, investing or retirement planning. CPA Canada has resources available to increase your knowledge in these and other areas. 

Seek the help of an expert 

Contact Mowbrey Gil to enlist the support of a personal financial advisor to help get on track towards financial wellness.  

Set goals 

After speaking with an expert, or doing your own independent research, you should be able to identify what your areas of improvement are. Create goals to manage your finances and close some of your financial gaps. Your Mowbrey Gil expert can help you with your goal setting or you can utilize CPA’s goal-setting worksheet for additional support.  

Address any mental barriers preventing you from achieving your goals 

If you find you’re having trouble accomplishing your financial goals, consider whether there are mental or emotional barriers affecting with your relationship with your finances. Taking some time to address these challenges will go a long way to helping you create a positive relationship with money. Consider reaching out to a counselling service in your community should you need additional support with this step.  

Financial wellness assessment 

Use the CPA’s financial wellness assessment to get started understanding money basics and how they apply to you.  

If you have any questions about how to take control of your financial wellness, reach out to Mowbrey Gil and book an appointment with a personal financial advisor today.

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