
A Guide to Employee Appreciation Holiday Gifts That Fall Within Budget 

‘Tis the season—the season of BIG spending.  

In a study published by Deloitte, Canadians were projected to have spent a whopping $1,841, on average, during the 2021 holiday season—returning to the standard rate of expenditures pre-pandemic. However, more recently, another study predicted that consumers are expected to rein in the spending in 2022. Given the uncertain economic climate we’re moving into, with worries surrounding rising interest rates, increased costs of living, inflationary pressures and the world facing a big “COVID hangover”, we’re likely all looking to spend a little less this season.  

However, as a business owner, employees are our greatest assets and there’s no better time to make them feel special than around the holidays. Here are some key things to keep in mind when selecting gifts for your employees that are sure to give that special feeling—without a big price tag! 

  • Gifts don’t have to be tangible! It’s not always wise to follow the “it’s the thought that counts” mantra. Don’t give your employees something just for the sake of it—there’s nothing worse than receiving useless trinkets you don’t want and that will only take up space. Consider a different route instead. For example, how much do you think your employees would appreciate an extra day of vacation over the holiday period instead? 
  • Avoid generic, unthoughtful gifts. It’s usually obvious when little to no thought has gone into a gift. This means steering clear of novelty socks, pens and unnecessary knickknacks. If your team is small enough, you could even go the extra mile by selecting a gift for each individual that’s personal to them. If you go this route, keep the budget the same for every employee to avoid showing favoritism.   

With those things in mind, here are some “gift” ideas to make your staff feel special on a budget:  

  • If holiday gifts aren’t in the budget, give your team cards. Personalized messages thanking your employees for the work they have done and wishing them a happy, relaxing holiday period will make them feel recognized and appreciated.  
  • Instead of gifts, throw your staff a holiday party. This is a great way to bring the team together in celebration of their hard work. Christmas parties don’t have to be expensive—food and drinks can be bought in bulk to save money and games and decorations can largely be saved and reused for next year. A little socialization and fun can go a long way to get people in the holiday spirit! 
  • Support local! If there are businesses or restaurants near your office, this is a great opportunity to highlight your neighbourhood and allow your employees to explore where they work in a new way! Gift cards can come off as generic if not done properly, but this is an excellent example of gift cards with purpose, thought and meaning behind them. Gifting your employees the magic of local business and cuisine will get everyone spreading cheer! 
  • Make your own wellness basket. The holidays are the time to relax and recharge, so encourage your team to do so! You can buy sets of items including but not limited to bath bombs, tea, candles, wine and snacks and separate them into individual hampers. Hand-making wellness kits in this way shows thought and personal touch.  
  • Acknowledge the importance of your employees’ family time during the holiday break. Give them something they can do together! This is easy to do on a budget and the gift of quality time is priceless. You could, for example, give your employees cookies to decorate with their families or a wine tasting kit to test with friends.  

No matter what gift you select for your employees this year, it’s all about making them feel appreciated and recognized for their hard work as the company heads into the new year.  

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